Three fists raised in the air.

United with the Front Lines

Working hard to make the Okanagan better for all workers. North Okanagan Labour Council is made up of 30 public and private Unions. We run several community events like Labour Day, Day of Mourning and work with charities like United Way to improve our communities.

Learn more


Crane Memorial Video

July 12, 2022
On July 12th 2022, the NOLC marked the one year anniversary of the Brooklyn crane…
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Visioning Conference Report

May 4, 2022
The North Okanagan Labour Council is pleased to publish its report of the April 24th…
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Protecting Canada’s EV Opportunities 

June 24, 2024
Ottawa, ON – Leveraging the power of Canada’s skilled workforce with the right decisions, we…
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Labour celebrating historic wins – but the fight is not over

June 21, 2024
Bruske: This parliamentary session was a historic triumph for the labour movement – but we…
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Canada’s unions: workers have waited long enough to pass Bill C-64, An Act Respecting Pharmacare

June 18, 2024
Bruske: The Senate must pass the bill without amendments or further delays. OTTAWA- Pharmacare is…
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Global union leaders affirm support for Palestinian trade unions and the Palestinian people

June 11, 2024
This week the leaders of seven Global Union Federations (GUFs) and the International Trade Union…
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