Visioning Conference Report

May 4, 2022

The North Okanagan Labour Council is pleased to publish its report of the April 24th Visioning Conference hosted in Kelowna, BC.

Inside can be found a full synopsis of the proceedings of the event as well as an overview of the data collected from participants.

Download a full copy of the report today!

The top five green items (priorities for future council) were identified as:

1. Increasing the amount of land acquisition for Affordable Housing – 14% of votes
2. Increasing the amount/diversity of community engagement – 12% of votes
3. (Tie) Dedication of additional money for Affordable Housing – 9% of votes
4. (Tie) Following of existing municipal plans (e.g. OCP, ASP, TMP) – 9% of votes
5. Residential Zoning Reform – 6% of votes

The top five red items (items for future councils to avoid) were identified as:

1. Ceasing development on Agricultural Land Reserve – 19% of votes
2. Stop ‘Development by Variance’ (too many variances) – 17% of votes
3. Reducing/stopping urban sprawl – 14% of votes
4. Shifting to roundabouts for intersections (‘Signal Moratorium’) – 13% of votes
5. Stopping “back-room” deals with developers – 10% of votes

Contact Kelly Hutchinson at with any requests, comments, or concerns.

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